
 Description Command
Create a pod kubectl create -f [YAML_CONFIG]
Get configuration of the pod kubectl get po [POD] -o (yaml|json)
List the pods kubectl get pods
Delete pod kubectl delete po [POD] 
Delete all pods of a namespace kubectl delete po --all
Delete pods with a label kubectl delete po -l [LABEL(=VALUE)] 


 Description Command
List the pods with labels kubectl get po --show-labels
List the pods with some labels in columns kubectl get po -L [LABELS]
List the pods filtered by label (comma = AND combination) kubectl get po -l [LABEL]
List the pods filtered by label value kubectl get po -l [LABEL=VALUE]
List the pods filtered by label values kubectl get po -l [LABEL] in ([VALUES])
List the pods excluding a label kubectl get po -l '![LABEL]'
List the pods excluding a label value kubectl get po -l '[LABEL!=VALUE]'
List the pods excluding a label value kubectl get po -l '[LABEL] notin ([VALUES])'
Add a label to a pod kubectl label po [POD] [LABEL=VALUE]
Change a label to a pod kubectl label po [POD] [LABEL=VALUE] --overwrite
 Add a label kubectl label node [NODE] [LABEL=VALUE]


 Description Command
 Annotate a pod kubectl annotate pod [POD] [KEY=VALUE]
 Display annotations kubectl describe pod [POD]


 Description Command
List kubectl get ns
Create kubectl create namespace [NS]
List pods of a namespace kubectl get po --namespace [NS]


 Description Command
Get the logs of a pod kubectl logs [POD]
Get the logs of a job kubectl logs [JOB]
Get the logs of a container kubectl logs [POD] -c [CONTAINER_NAME]
Get the logs of a crashed container kubectl logs mypod --previous


 Description Command
Setup port forwarding kubectl port-forward [POD] [LOCAL_POST]:[CONTAINER_PORT]


 Description Command
List Replication Controller kubectl get rc
Scale kubectl scale rc [RC] --replicas=[INT]
Delete but keep pods kubectl delete rc [RC] --cascade=false


 Description Command
List Replication Controller kubectl get rs
Scale kubectl scale rs [RC] --replicas=[INT]
Delete but keep pods kubectl delete rs [RC] --cascade=false


 Description Command
List deamon sets kubectl get ds


 Description Command
List jobs kubectl get jobs